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Site/page created 13/aug/02, updated 19/aug/02. Version 0.3b. Copyright © 2002, for BS4U by Ender mBind
The Emperor’s Hammer and the names of all original Emperor’s Hammer materials are trademarks of the Emperor’s Hammer. All original materials found on the Emperor’s Hammer website or its affiliated sites are copyright protected and the authors reserve all rights therein. Star Wars®,®, The Empire Strikes Back®, Return of the Jedi®, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace® and all logos, characters, artwork, stories, information, names, and other elements associated thereto are the sole and exclusive property of Lucasfilms Ltd. X-Wing©®, TIE Fighter ©®, X-Wing CD ©®, Dark Forces ©®, TIE Fighter CD ©®, Rebellion ©®, X-wing vs. TIE Fighter ©®, Jedi Knight ©®, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance ©®, Force Commander ©®, X-Wing Alliance ©®, Star Wars: Episode I: Pod Racer ©® are copyright protected and registered trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment Co. Any previously published and copyrighted materials used or displayed by the Emperor’s Hammer is done so entirely for non-commercial, non-profit enjoyment of individual persons. It is the intention of the Emperor’s Hammer only to utilize materials for which it has permission or which constitutes "fair use." Any alleged incidents of copyright or trademark infringement or other intellectual theft or plagiarism should be brought to the attention of the Emperor’s Hammer Fleet Commander, Fleet Commander (GA Ronin), P.G. for appropriate action.