Fleet Manual: Imperial Shuttle Pod Mk.VI (ISP-6)
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Name: Imperial Shuttle Pod Mk.VI (ISP-6)
Manufacturor: Cygnus Spaceworks
In Use By: Empire
Type: Utility Craft
Patch: N/A | (TIE) | (XvT) | (BoP) | (XWA)
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Length: 7 m.
Cargo: 30 kg.
Description: Multi-use Utility Craft. Equipped with shields and hyperdrive its primary use is inter-system courier but its also used for docking operations and as a full-fledged fighter.




Shield Strength: 100 SBD
Shield Recharge: 20
Shield Decharge: 10
Hull Strength: 40 RU
System Strength: 10
Counters: 10
Point Value: 200
Explosive Strength: 2500
Cruise Speed: 64 MGLT
Accelleration: 11 MGLT/s
Decelleration 33 MGLT/s
Roll Rating: 44
Pitch Rating: 24
Manouvrebility: 91 DPF
Laser Cannons: 0
Ion Cannons: 2
Launchers: 2
Torpedo Capacity: 4




The Shuttle Pod series were originally develloped by Cygnus Spaceworks before the Battle of Yavin as an alternative for the TIE Shuttle and regular escape pods. Because of its cramped conditions for the passenger this use never really caught on - but Navy engineers quickly discovered that by adding a docking clamp between the fixed landing gear it made an excellent Utility Vehicle, outclassing the TUG and Heavy Lifter because of its stronger hull and the added advantage of the hyperdrive.

Following versions by Cygnus elaborated on this use, the Mk.2 had the docking clamp installed by default and the Mk.3 boosted stronger engines. The Mk6, the final version, was released just before the Battle of Endor and was the first to have shield generators. All models were designed to be fully compatible with the SFS systems, the wings fold up for rack launches and docking, but also to be usable there where there are no facilities at all.

As a very versatile craft the ISP-6 sees many uses across the Galaxy. Besides replacing the TUG at many operations the Empire uses this craft as inter-system courier and for training duties as well.
Some garrison and platform commanders use them as defensive craft - taking on the role of a small assault fighter - while other Shuttlepods spend their time as customs patrol craft, where they cannot only inspect and disable other craft, but also board them. Apparently some are even used as alternatives for TIE Shuttles and escape pods.

