Fleet Manual: Platform
Stats: Systems | Propulsion | Armament Fleet Manual: Index | Emperor's Hammer | Empire | Rebel Alliance | Various


Name: XQ2 Platform (PLT/2)
Manufacturor: Bengel Shipbuilders
In Use By: Various
Type: Platform
Patch: standard
Crew: 1,598
Passengers: -
Length: -
Cargo: -
Description: Typical space dock, found within most of the inner sphere of the Empire.


The Emperor's Hammer Fleet currently has its home base on board the Assault Support Platform Daedalus. This PLT serves as a training platform, command centre, recreation centre, and resupply centre for the Fleet. The PLT Haven serves as the Command Platform for the Infiltrator Wing and recreational and repair centre for the Fleet. There are several additional Platforms attached to the fleet such as the PLTs Revenge and Stiletto as well as the specialised Triad...

