Mutant Ewok Clone Owners' Game
the Mutant Ewok Clone Experiments Projects


Ball: Ewok A
Player 1.: SCO/FA Ender mBind
Player 2.: CA:SCO/AD Den Darkhill
Test Location: Garden of the Science Office Laboratories.
Description: Today, we explain more about the ancient and wise ways of the Mutant Ewok Clone Owner. A very popular sport among these proud people is the so-called "Mutant Ewok Clone Owners Game" (mecog), maybe known to you as "lazy-people's squash". Besides for Mutant Ewok Clone Owners this game could prove very popular among less mobile people.


Field: you need a wall, two chairs and something to make lines with on the wall and ground.
You draw a horizontal line on the wall on a height which is comfortable for both players (but not too low), then you place both chairs on a nice distance from this wall, facing it. They should be on an armslength of each other. Draw two lines on either side of the set of chairs on another armslength.

Rules: Alternately throw a Mutant Ewok Clone at the wall and catch it when it bounces back. On who's side the Ewok Clone goes out of the lines - should go and get it. If it goes through the midle, the person that didn't throw should go and get it. If it goes under the line on the wall - the person that should've caught it, can now kick or throw it as far as he wants - and the other has to go get it. That's it. (everything else goes)

Winning: The person that does the least work of all, wins.



Next week: We learn our Ewok Clone to be radio-DJ's.

