Fleet Manual Restoration


Status: Inactive
Category: Web Page
Finish Date: TBA
Contact: Vice Admiral Impulse
Description: Restoring and full review of the fleet manual including updated/complete info on RPG & in game stats, as well as new pictures for all craft featured in XWA and other supported games, along with all EH custom craft.


  Project: Reboot - News


  • *23/10/2018

    HTML version of Fleet Manual 6.0 was found in my archives.
    Awaiting from SCO files from the previous Science Officer Ender mBind. If he will provide me  php version I might use it instead html one.
    Still not sure which one I will use, will decide it later.


    Fleet Manual and Order of Battle were restored from my old backup I made long ago. Both are in the test mode and needs to be updated.
    If the previous Science Officer will send me his backup in php format I will use it instead of the current html.

