Fleet Manual: Imperial Troop Transport (ITTR)
Stats: Systems | Propulsion | Armament Fleet Manual: Index | Emperor's Hammer | Empire | Rebel Alliance | Various


Name: Imperial Troop Transport (ITTR)
Manufacturor: Telgorn Corp.s
In Use By: Empire
Type: Transport
Patch: (TIE-EHSP) | (XvT-EHSP) | (BoP-EHSP) | (XWA v2.02)
Crew: 4, gunners: 1
Passengers: 100
Length: -
Cargo: -
Description: The larger and more heavily armoured version of the Stormtrooper Transport. Used to carry troops and larger equipment from and into space.


The "Imperial Troop Transport" is one of the older and by far the largest of the Telgorn Corporation's line of ships and was commissioned at the dawn of the Empire as what was actually a small "corvette" or armed freighter. The principle behind the craft was that it could land up to 100 troops or their armoured equipment from space and also offer support on the ground - functioning as a armoured personel carrier itself. (Apparently one intercepted and destroyed a Jawa Crawler that had been carrying the Death Star plans a few days before the Battle Yavin)

While very sucsesful in its assigned task of landing troops and equipment the ITTR proved to be underarmed when in space and too large as a surface vehicle - which lead to the smaller Telgorn Transports line, all of which are reactions to experiences with the ITTR. In the Empire these transports quickly ended up replacing the ITTR and finally it was replaced by Cygnus' Landing Craft.

Because of the large amounts of this craft Telgorn built its actually quite common still across the Galaxy - as a commercial freighter often prefered over the CORT and MUTR models because of its far larger cargo hold and over the FRT because of its armament and better sublight engines. It's also still being used by various military factions in the Outer Rim, though usually in the role of very heavy bomber, prisoner transport or ultra light starship.


Technical Specs undergoing compilation...

