X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: ICQ Multiplay
Tech | Missions | Controls | Patches



Select the ICQ button and choose Preferences.



When the Owner Prefs dialog opens choose the Voice/Video/Games tab.



Choose New External button.



On the "Define New External Application" dialog choose Client-Server Application button.



Fill in the fields as follows:
  1. External Application Name: Choose anything you want.
  2. External Application Executable: (xvtdir)\z_xvt__.exe
  3. Command Line: isclient \"a=%i" \"n=Client" \"skipintro"
  4. External Application Server Executable: (xvtdir)\z_xvt__.exe
  5. Server Command Line: ishost \"a=%i" \"n=Host" \"skipintro"

"Default Application Servers List" button is not necessary.
(xvtdir) needs to be replaced with the directory or folder where X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter was installed.



When you wish to run the game, right click on the name of the other ICQ player and choose Voice/Video/Games and the application name you chose for X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter.The ICQ with X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter settings must be set up on the other users computer as well.



When the dialog appears use these settings for "Select Application Server":
  1. I am the Server if you wish to be the "Host" of the game.
  2. I am the Client if you wish to "Join" the game.


