Mutant Ewok Clones on Drugs |
Test Subject 1.: |
Ewok A, was injected with cocaine and benzedrine. |
Test Subject 2.: |
Ewok B, was treated with a compound involving peyote and various proprietary painkillers. |
Test Subject 3.: |
Ewok C, was fed a bucket of mescaline and immersed in a barrel of liquid crack. |
Test Location: |
Roof of the Science Office Laboratories. |
Description: |
This week, the task given to my selection of Ewok Clones was to find their way around a specially constructed maze. The exercize was overseen by LC Shadd of the agricultural unit of Phare University and LT Kweeky, among others, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of the CD (Pyrath). It took place under controlled conditions on the roof of the Laboratory, just next to GA Ronin's Palace. | |
Ewok Clone
A got of to a lively start, running terrified into the maze at top speed
and then colliding with Ewok Clone B. It then seemed to get lost, but apperently
felt that was alright and there wasn't such a rush to get anywhere anyway.
A small degree of paranoia was evident in the way it kept peeking around
corners before taking them. At one point it lost control of the left side
of its body and circled aimlessly for nearly an hour before it toppled
over and rolled down de laboratory roof into the kitchen of the Palace next door.
Ewok Clone
B just looked around in an awestruck manner before floating out of the
maze and becoming lodged in a nearby tree, just above the guard house of the Palace. It then started speaking, in a language that seemed
to be a crude form of Basic or some Wookie dialect. Among its
rambling bleatings the assembled experts identified sexual swear words
and a request to be rescued from the tree.
Ewok Clone C hopped up en down beside
the entrance to the maze
for the entirety of the test.
Test Results: |
Conclusions: Drugs are baaad, okay?
Next week(end): We try out some drugs on Science Office personel